Friday, January 3, 2014

The Crazy Ones 1.12 Review: Out of the Comfort Zone

This is a warning for all those that have yet to watch last night’s episode of The Crazy Ones, entitled ‘The Face of a Winner’, then now would be the time to divert your eyes from this screen. For this is not a spoiler free blog. THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! Proceed ahead at your own discretion.
Maybe it’s just that I’ve been binge watching Gilmore Girls the last week or so and have really been in that state of mind, but I wasn’t quite feeling this week’s episode as much as the previous few episodes. It definitely did have its funny moments, but I found that it wasn’t as strong a comeback episode post Christmas break as it could’ve been. I was kind of hoping for a New Years related episode, and wasn’t as excited to watch this episode one day after New Years when it had no major pizzazz to it.
So this week’s episode included Sydney – with Lauren’s help – swapping accounts with Zach and Andrew after Simon has an epiphany that made him decide things needed to be mixed up for creative reasons. I did enjoy the beginning where they all pretend it was a great idea Simon came up with, but then immediately groan about it after he’s out of earshot. Also, I loved the brief glimpse at Sydney beating Lauren at the videogame, and especially when she’s dancing with that trashcan on her head. That was probably my favourite moment of the episode. So it wasn’t a complete wash, but the episode wasn’t anything as special as the previous eleven.
All in all, I do enjoy these characters each week, and think that this is a great comedic series, but they can’t be a great show every week. This must just have been one of the weaker episodes this series has had written. Like I said, it didn’t have as much pizzazz as I would have liked, and wasn’t quite as fantastic as the last episode. But every series has to have their own Zeppo… Although, I, myself, enjoyed that Buffy the Vampire Slayer episode, but that’s beside the point.
My rating: 6.5 out of 10.

Best Line:
“I fear an analogy coming on.” – Sydney mutters to herself, relating to Simon.

Okay, so this may not be my strongest review, being that I tried to go old school like I used to do with essays in high school and watched Gilmore Girls while I typed this up, but I stand by my views. As evidenced by this coming up, I did skip over the reviews of the last episode of Revenge, Almost Human, and How I Met Your Mother. Despite taking notes on the episode, I do think I was too excited for Christmas at the time, and a bit burnt out concerning writing as many reviews as I was at that point, but nevertheless I will continue writing these. Now, I’m off to shower, but check in Sunday for my review of Revenge – to which I will say that I guessed right concerning who shot Emily. Anyways, until next time.

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