Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Trophy Wife 1.06 Review: Halloween Schemes

This is going to be quick. If you haven’t watched last night’s episode of Trophy Wife, entitled ‘Halloween’, then I suggest you do that now. This is not a spoiler free blog. THIS REVIEW MAY CONTAIN SPOILERS! You’ve been warned.
Okay, this was a pretty funny episode. The humour to the series seems pretty easy, although I don’t completely feel connected to any of these characters enough to care if this series were cancelled. I might miss the actors, but the characters and story haven’t been developed well enough to feel involved in their lives.
Jackie’s lack of any cultural – pop or otherwise – knowledge is astounding. She even confused Marie Antoinette’s infamous line about cake for Queen Elizabeth’s. Still, I think she may be the funniest character on this series. Vice versa, Hillary seems to be the most normal, but still not completely normal in that she goes to actual parties without alcohol. I’m sorry, that’s not a thing these days; alcohol at teen parties seems to be more prevalent than ever. That’s about the one ludicrous issue I have with this series for the time being.
Overall, I enjoyed this episode. It had funny little tidbits, and had some pretty nifty costumes. Although, you’d think Hillary would want to dress up for a party like most people that age like to do. If some of these characters are this enthusiastic about Halloween, I’d be excited to see how they are with Christmas (P.S. That’s my favourite holiday).
My rating: 7 out of 10.

Best Line:
“I knew I should’ve had him microchipped.” – Jackie exclaims, after her son goes missing.

Okay, I’m off to watch The Originals now. After that it’ll be Supernatural, so stay tuned.

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