Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Welcome to My Life

My name is Miranda, and I'm a writer. I live in a little city just north of Toronto, Ontario, Canada where it's very easy to write, but not so easy to make contacts, or find jobs related to writing without some sort of affiliated degree. But I'm a writer, so I persevere.

What I most want to do is write for television, which can be difficult to crack into, but after a solid year after leaving University, I've finally figured out that that's what I want to do with the rest of my life. It just might be difficult getting there.

See, I've always known I was able to write, since I was a little girl and would daydream the time away; or the crazy detailed dreams of fantastic places that often inspired me to write. I've known since I was eleven writing was my passion, my mother even told me I was lucky for finding it so young. And yet I thought writing novels and short stories would be enough. Over the years I've thought up hundreds of ideas, including some that better suited television or film format. But it wasn't until just a couple weeks ago that I learned that what I most wanted to do, was create television.

So that's what I'm going to try to do. While I'm not versed in screenwriting, over the next year I plan on working and building up my repertoire in order to try and get this show I've been working on for four years launched. I plan to do whatever it is I can to find a way into that market. And then, in a year's time, I intend to apply to York University's Film program, specializing in it's new screenwriting program. Since I'll be a mature student by that time, at twenty-one years old, it may be difficult, but I hope to do whatever possible to better my chances, as the entirety of the Film program takes fifty-five of nine hundred applications, only ten of those fifty-five accepting into the screenwriting program.

That's why I'm here, blogging to whomever will read, my journey from where I am now, to becoming a screenwriter and television creator. It will likely be a harrowing journey, but only the most interesting ones are. And I refuse to quit.


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